The name of our board game is "Hot Date". The game is centered around the world of dating and is about making it through the all of the different aspects of dating with as little heartbreak as you possibly can. The objective of the game is to find your soulmate and reach the end having had the best dating experience you possibly could have. You will roll dice to determine your next move in the game. As you move along the spaces, you will be collecting tiles of either full hearts or
broken hearts depending on the dating experiences you encounter. The game includes several characters each
player must randomly choose from in the beginning and each character comes with their own
personality and a list of other characters that are either matches or
mismatches. There will be spaces on the board known as "action spaces" that correspond to each character
with an action/scenario that the person who lands on must respond to, depending
on if the space’s character is a match or mismatch.
There will also be “Tricks/Moves” Cards that
correspond with spaces on the board as well. These cards contain different
dating moves such as buying flowers, opening car doors, winking, and being a
salsa king or queen that will earn players hearts. The player who reaches the end of the game with the most full hearts wins the dating game and is consider the "hot date". The player who reaches the end of the game with the most broken hearts wins the title of MVP - "Most Valuable Player".
After getting into our new groups, we sat down to discuss the game and decide on what factors needed to be changed or improved. What the members liked most about the game was is lighthearted and fun concept that could be so easily related to. They felt it was a game with "controlled chaos" that could be easily enjoyed. There doesn't seem to be much downtime in game play as each turn has very strict instruction, and was filled with a good amount of player interaction and replay ability. The parameters of the game right now are that a player must reach the end of the game to finish, players may only respond to actions that correspond with their characters and their character's matches and mismatches, and that the player may only proceed the number of spaces indicated on the dice. We discussed how we could possibly change the fact that moves could only be made by rolling the dice. We may take the dice factor out completely and make it so that your moves are based on the cards you draw or the hearts you collect throughout the game. Hopefully we will be able to work out the kinks and find a better way to execute movement through the game this week.
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